You can create a set of exercises related to the lesson. At first sight the Exercise part looks not too user-friendly but I hope that it is only the first impression. Setting up the exercises is easy and fast but you have to read this short manual.
Types of Exercises
Currently there are 4 predefined types of exercises:
• Sentence -> Sentence,
• Voice -> Sentence,
• Voice -> Voice,
• Choice.
Creating the first Exercise.
There is always one empty exercise in a new lesson. If you work with the new file then you can see that there is an Exercise 1 defined. To rename it you should click the Rename button. Now you have to choose the exercise type. Click Change Type button and choose the required type.
To create the next exercise just click the New Exercise button.
Once you have an empty exercise you might want to put some "questions" into it. I will explain this procedure separately for each exercise type.
For every exercise you have to fill the Exercise Description text box with the text like "Translate the following sentences.", "Type the noun 'pies' in a correct form." or whatever you expect from student to do in this exercise.
• Sentence -> Sentence
In this type (as the name suggest) you provide student with a written text and expect a written text as an answer. In these exercises you usually ask student to:
- "translate the following sentences",
- "complete the following sentences",
- "answer the questions", ... etc.
To define the exercise you have to enter all your "questions" (i.e. sentences that you present to students - this is why I use quotes) and all the correct answers (i.e. sentences you expect that students write in the response to your "questions"). There can be many correct answers for a single "question".
To enter the "question" you should:
• Choose fonts from the Fonts pop-up menu. For example if you want user to translate from English to a foreign language then you choose English -> Foreign if opposite then Foreign -> English and so on.
• There are two text boxes at the bottom of the window:
- the left is for "questions"
- the right is for answers.
Enter your "question" (i.e. the sentence you present to student) in the left box. Now type the correct answer in the right box and press the return key. The answer will go into the upper scroll list. Type the next allowed answer if there are more than one (alternative answers) and press the return key again. Repeat this step if needed.
Now click the Enter Sentence button.
You can enter the second "question" now. Repeat all the above steps.
If you want to change the previously entered "question" then just select it from the scroll list. It will appear in the edit box (left-bottom box) so you can change it easily. To correct "answers" select them from right side list, enter corrections in the edit box (right-bottom) an press return. Do not forget to click the Enter Sentence button after the corrections are done. If you want to enter the new sentence without remembering the corrections then you have to click the New Sentence button (it will clear the text boxes).
When you finish then just click New Exercise button if you want to create more exercises.
• Voice -> Sentence
In this type of exercises you provide student with a spoken phrase and expect a written text as an answer.
Everything works the same way as in the previous type but instead of typing "questions" you record them. You are asked to assign a name to each "question". This is used internally to locate questions easily.
• Voice -> Voice
In this type of exercises you provide student with a spoken phrase and expect a spoken phrase as an answer.
Everything works the same way as in the previous type but instead of typing the "answer" you record it (the alternative answers are not allowed here).
• Choice
This works as Sentence -> Sentence. You should enter many sentences (words) as the answer alternatives but only the first one should be correct. This works like the choice test.
Look at the example Book "Polish Example" in the Reader and the Writer to get a feeling how does it really work. If you have more questions please ask me.
Grammar Notes.
The last part of the lesson are the Grammar Notes. There is not much to say about it. Type the text using many fonts, styles and colors and that's it.